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What is this?

This is a guide explaining how to play WACCA at home without owning a cabinet, while there are a multitude of ways to go about this, we have come to the conclusion that using WACVR and data is the best and most accurate way of playing.


I will not list instructions on where to obtain data, do not ask us where to get data, we will NOT provide it.

Things you'll need

  • WACCA data of preferably the latest available version (SDFE 3.10.00 being the version used for testing)
  • a VR headset of any kind (a Quest 3S is used for testing here)
  • a VR capable computer, this is non-negotiable as there is no way to run WACVR and WACCA data on Quest headsets.
  • SteamVR
  • Patience, maybe some lemonade.

Making sure your data is ready

If your data is already in a state of starting to the main WACCA screen, you may skip the following steps and proceed to Setting up WACVR


This process starts from freshly downloaded data with no changes to it (or "clean" data), if your data isn't clean, I suggest cleaning it up before continuing as it may cause issues later down the line.

Setting up Segatools

Download Segatools from here and extract to a folder of your choice. you should see many individual zip files as shown below, the one we want is

Segatools ZIP example

extract to the app/bin in your data folder, the folder should look like this (excluding the DEVICE folder)

Bin folder example

Changing Configuration Files

Open segatools.ini in your preferred text editor and change the following settings:

; Insert the path to the game AMFS directory here (contains ICF1 and ICF2)
; Insert the path to the game AMFS directory here (contains ICF1 and ICF2)
; Insert the path to the game Option directory here (contains Axxx directories)
; Create an empty directory somewhere and insert the path here.
; This directory may be shared between multiple SEGA games.
; NOTE: This has nothing to do with Windows %APPDATA%.

as well as:

; To use a custom WACCA IO DLL enter its path here.
; Leave empty if you want to use Segatools built-in keyboard input.

FTDI Drivers

This step is REQUIRED for WACCA to launch or else it'll just error out.

These drivers seem to be used for the board that controls the LED strips on the console.

Download FTDI drivers from here and extract them to a folder of your choice, then copy CDM-v2.12.36.4-WHQL-Certified/amd64/ftd2xx64.dllto /App/WindowsNoEditor/Mercury/Binaries/Win64 and then rename the file to ftd2xx.dll

Offline mode

This is if you don't wanna deal with network setup and just wanna play the game:

Navigate to App\WindowsNoEditor\Mercury\Config and open DefaultHardware.ini and change OfflineMode to true

Now launch start.bat and the game should go through the startup process without a hitch.

Setting up WACVR

Download WACVR from here and extract to a folder of your choice

copy the mercuryio.ini file to the the App/bin folder in your data folder

Start up your VR software as well as SteamVR, then launch WACCA and WACVR WACVR should set up with WACCA automatically.


If your experiencing a warped screen in WACVR, set your monitor to portrait mode and check the full display capture box in WACVR, I have no clue why this happens, but this is the solution that works for me.

Last update: January 7, 2025